
Criticise and praise yourself first

People are ready to praise politicians, film stars, artists and gods. Just observe what happens in a political meeting: people are like madmen ready to lick the shoes of the politicians. Film stars are nearly worshipped. People go crazy when they see their favourite singers or stars: they cry, laugh and dance. Unknown prophets and gods are worshipped. Similarly, criticisms are at the tip of the tongue. Without any sound judgement or discrimination, people go on criticising whatever happens. People do a lot of criticism just on hearsay.

People are as if carried away by some unknown force when it comes to criticism or praise. The fact is that the unconsciousness takes the lead. The society and the behaviour of the people making up the society reflect the individual. Can genuine praise, worship and criticism be made without having known oneself? Why don't people appreciate themselves first before daring to look at others for blame or praise? Man is a source of both curse and blessing. Once he understands himself, he will understand others. Without loving oneself, one cannot love others. People pretend to love or to help others while they themselves are covered with the mud of unconsciousness.

Every human being is an infinite potential; no one is greater or smaller than anyone else. Few people manifest this potential, while most prefer to enjoy the illusion of the material existence. The potentiality of being a doctor lies in the depth of everyone's mind, it simply has to be developed. One has to learn and undertake the necessary practices. Of course, though we all have the same potentiality, the one who has manifested it is worthy of more praise than the one who has not. Did not Jesus say, "If you do as I say, you will achieve the same as me and even more!" Every seed can become a tree, but a tree is a tree and a seed is a seed - the difference is tremendous.

Kabir, the ancient mystic, says, "I have sought for evil everywhere but have found none. But when I delve into my mind, I see that there is no evil greater than Kabir." Here is an example of mea culpa, self-criticism. Let it be clear that self-criticism does not mean guilt. Kabir is perfectly right - the mind is the source of all evil, yet people are seeking for Satan outside themselves. The same mystic says, "I have gone to Kashi, Mathura, Vrindavan and other places of pilgrimage but have not found God. But when I looked inside, lo! Rama was there!"

Nature, or God if you wish, has given us all we need, yet we run after others: this is what I call 'to covet." In most cases, criticism or praise of others is an escape or a veil that is set to cover one's evil. People do not want to take the pain of facing themselves. Seeing people performing the aarti (wavering of lamp and so on), we say, "How religious!" But do we know why all this is done and for whom? Let us turn our gaze on ourselves. Both body and mind are a wonder, beauty, mystery and source of infinite knowledge and possibilities. Let us read our book first before embarking to read others'. Beauty, greatness and wealth are all relative. One may have all the wealth of the world yet be poor in peace and health. The Bible says" "Love your neighbour as yourself." But I say: know and love yourself first, then automatically, love and compassion for your neighbour will flourish. How true is this statement of the Upanishads, "Know that by knowing which all else is known!"

If one is an enemy of oneself, how can one become the friend of others? And unfortunately, most of us are our own enemies. Krishna says that the mind itself is one's own friend and one's own enemy. A transformed mind is the greatest friend, but a sick and unconscious mind is the worst foe. To be really a friend and a benefactor, transform the mind first, otherwise you will grieve and also be a source of grief. Neither grieve nor be a source of grief. "Watch yourself," says the mystic.

If you have to criticise, criticise yourself, but do not stop at this juncture. Be ready to cure your illnesses and when you are completely cured of greed, anger, lust, boredom, hatred and so on, then you may praise and worship yourself. The real puja or worship is Atma Puja or soul worship. The most genuine criticism is done to oneself. Even the gods praise those who have transcended themselves to attain the Self. There is no need to run after any gods or God Himself, but there is certainly a great need to know oneself. The greatest learning is the study of oneself and the loftiest knowledge is the knowledge of oneself. Care for the penny, the pound will care for itself. Let every individual turn towards himself and the society will automatically be cured of all its illnesses.

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