
That which was an animal ...

That which was a bacteria, a mosquito, a fish or a cobra, that which was roaming in the forest as an elephant or as a tiger tearing the flesh of other animals, and even that which was a hunter, a criminal, a pauper or maybe a king will one day become a buddha, an enlightened one! What could be more glorious, beautiful and miraculous than this wonderful fact? Is there anything more worthy of celebration than this sublime attainment?

After a long struggle and search, that which is called mind in a human body and that which we term as instinct in an animal body explodes to become a mass of light fully in union with the whole existence and its essence. In fact, it does not really become, but simply realises its real nature as such. People talk of miracles, is this not the most marvellous one? Yet how much incredible this fact is for most of us! And how highly blasphemous it may perhaps be for the orthodox and fanatics!

What is life? Is it not a movement towards perfection? Gary Zukav, in his book 'Dancing Wu Li Masters,' says that the aim of every moving object is to attain a state of perfect rest. And those who have attained enlightenment say that it is a state of perfect rest, but altogether bubbling with infinite bliss.

Looking at any animal, does it come to our little mind that here is a potential or a future buddha? Didn't Buddha recall, after his enlightenment, that he had been in the bodies of animals and other human beings in previous incarnations? Many saints have made reference to individuals who had been in animal bodies in former births. Can anyone who has realised this divine fact disrespect any animal? Are we not the same animals but on a higher rung of the ladder of evolution?

If from animal we have become human, then why is it not possible to become divine from human? If from animal, one can rise to the status of human and from there to buddhahood, then what about our so-called evil, poor or ignorant brothers and sisters on this very earth of ours? Have we ever said, "Whatever be the nature of this individual, he is a potential buddha!"? Such a realisation can change our perspective of life to a great extent.

Buddha once bowed down to a disciple. When he was questioned about this attitude of his, he answered, "I am not bowing to his present, but to his future. I can see his future - he will be a buddha." What an insight and humility! But nowadays, we look upon people either as objects and act indifferently or consider them as something to be exploited. A human being is already a great miracle that can in turn produce the biggest miracle, yet we are blissfully unaware of it. I fear that this ignorance has already given place to a very chaotic and mad state of affairs. Awakening to this crucial reality can be bitter, but do we have any choice?

If from animal we have become human, then why is it not possible to become divine from human?

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